Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Thing 4

I commented on somebody else's blog that like them, I tend to be more of a reader, rather than a responder. I don't usually comment unless something really strikes a chord with me. As much as I don't really like leaving comments, I do enjoy reading them...both on my blog and on others!
I know others wrote that blogging can give students a forum to write and say things when maybe they didn't get the chance to or have the courage to in class. It occurred to me that looking forward to and getting positive comments might be the extra encouragement other students need to write and express themselves.


  1. My experience has been that students do enjoy getting positive comments from their peers. The trick is training students to leave comments that are supportive/constructive.

  2. I agree with Dino, students enjoy feedback from peers. From a students perspective (from graduate work) I was often afraid to share ideas in class, but with the "shield" of the computer, I wasmuch more willing to speak up.

  3. I think this project is proof that positive comments can stimulate people to continue blogging.
